Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Enable Multiple Users Login in Analyst Add-In Excel

Follow the below steps: -

1. Go to configuration Manager --> Open current configuration
2. Expand Cognos Planning --> Cognos planning - Analyst Excel Addin --> General
3. Set Enable Terminal Services Support to YES.
4. Apply the settings.

Components that are downloaded on first time access

When a client connects to cognos contributor website, there are 2 components that are downloaded on the client PCs: -

1. Cognos Planning - Cognos Component Grid Client.
2. Cognos Planning - Cognos Component Web Client.

What is IPC & how/why do I use it?

IPC (InterProcess Communications) is a protocol that can be used with an Oracle Database, the default protocol is TCP/IP. It can only be used by a calling software, like PowerPlay Transformer, that is running on the same machine as the database. This protocol can be configured to allow a greater throughput of data, when doing large queries.

IPC is configured by the DBA in the tnsnames.ora. The calling software must use that name to call the Database. When that name is used to call the Database it will not go out to the network to find the Database, all of the calls will stay on the machine. The DBA can then tweak the settings of the IPC protocol. (example: TCP/IP Name for Oracle client is mollie.oracle.creatcomp.com this is what impromptu client would use. The tnsnames.ora Database name on the machince that Oracle resides on would be identical the under lying settings would be IPC.)

Main reason to use IPC is because it can increase performance on queries by about 25% maybe more. It will also remove networking from the puzzle of why a large query may not perform.

Example: At CDPHP we had 2 queries one that returned 26 million rows by about 400 bytes wide, in just over 4 hours through TCP/IP. We changed it to IPC and it took just over 3 hours for the same query. Query 2 returned about 11 million rows by about 60 bytes in 45 minutes with TCP/IP. With IPC setup it took 23 minutes.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Calculating Optimum Workspace Setting

Analyst uses the workspace setting to reserve part of your computer’s memory. The
setting should not normally exceed 50% of your system memory (e.g. 64,000 on a
128MgB PC).

Unless a D-Cube or Macro is struggling to open or run, respectively, there should be no
need to amend the default setting. However, you can gauge what the optimum
workspace setting should ideally be, based on the largest D-Cube.

Calculating the Optimum Workspace Setting
1. Multiply number of cells in largest D-Cube by 8 (1 cell = 8 bytes)
2. Divide the number of bytes by 1024 to get KB total
3. Double the result and enter this number in the Workspace field
4. Example: 1,500,000 * 8 / 1024 * 2 = 23,438

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Error when opening or saving a node on the Contributor website

Following Error is received when opening or saving a node on the Contributor website: -
"Contributor Web CLient Event Handler"(errorAppServerErrorUnknown) Error information was returned from the server"Further Information:"Component error:(0x80004005)Component DescriptionInvalid Internal conditionSCript Catching error:GenericRequestServerImpl.cpp:perform:134--------------------------------------------All other errors/error stack:(errorCatch) planning21.htm::onMessageRequest"
In planningerrorlog.csv:
Unable to load url
http://servername/cognos/contributor/planning33.asp?appid=xxxxxx into document.

The Root cause of this problem is that ASP Settings is too low in metabase.xml file. This is can be improved by addings/ changes settings in ASP.

Follow the below steps for the same: -
1. Close the web browser.
2. Stop the IIS and WWW services in Control Panel >Administrative Tools >Services
3. Open the following file using Notepad C:\Windows\System32\Inetsrv\metabase.xml
4. Find AspBufferingLimit and increase the value to 8388608.
5. Find aspmaxrequestentityallowed and increase the value to 8388608.
6. Save and close the file.
7. Restart the IIS and WWW services.
8. Open new web browser and try the node again.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Estimate approximate Size of data warehouse

You can estimate the approximate size of a data warehouse made up of only fact and dimension tables by estimating the approximate size of the fact tables and ignoring the sizes of the dimension tables.

To estimate the size of the fact table in bytes, multiply the size of a row by the number of rows in the fact table. A more exact estimate would include the data types, indexes, page sizes, etc. An estimate of the number of rows in the fact table is obtained by multiplying the number of transactions per hour by the number of hours in a typical work day and then multiplying the result by the number of days in a year and finally multiply this result by the number of years of transactions involved. Divide this result by 1024 to convert to kilobytes and by 1024 again to convert to megabytes.

A data warehouse will store facts about the help provided by a company’s product support representatives. The fact table is made of up of a composite key of 7 indexes (int data type) including the primary key. The fact table also contains 1 measure of time (datetime data type) and another measure of duration (int data type). 2000 product incidents are recorded each hour in a relational database. A typical work day is 8 hours and support is provided for every day in the year. What will be approximate size of this data warehouse in 5 years?

First calculate the approximate size of a row in bytes (int data type = 4 bytes, datetime data type = 8 bytes):

size of a row = size of all composite indexes (add the size of all indexes) + size of all measures (add the size of all measures).

Size of a row (bytes) = (4 * 7) + (8 + 4).
Size of a row (bytes) = 40 bytes.

Number of rows in fact table = (number of transactions per hour) * (8 hours) * (365 days in a year).
Number of rows in fact table = (2000 product incidents per hour) * (8 Hours ) * (365 days in a year).
Number of rows in fact table = 2000 * 8 * 365
Number of rows in fact table = 5840000
Size of fact table (1 year) = (Number of rows in fact table) * (Size of a row)

Size of fact table (bytes per year) = 5840000 * 40
Size of fact table (bytes per year) = 233600000.
Size of fact table (megabytes per year) = 233600000 / (1024*1024)
Size of fact table (in megabytes for 5 years) = (23360000 * 5) / (1024 *1024)
Size of fact table (megabytes) = 1113.89 MB
Size of fact table (gigabytes) = 1113.89 / 1024
Size of fact table (gigabytes) = 1.089 GB

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Snowflake Schema Design

If we did not de-normalize our dimensions into one table each, then the schema would look like Fig. 1

You can see, this looks like a snow flake, hence this type of schema is called Snowflake Schema. General rule of thumb is keep away from snow flake schemas as even though they may save you some space, they will cost a lot in terms of query time.

Star Schema

Let us discuss Star Schema with respect to an example: -

If you carefully look at our new dimensional modeled shcema, it will look like the one shown in Fig 1. You can easily tell, this looks like a STAR. Hence it is also known as Star Schema.
Advantages of Star Schema
1. Star Schema is very easy to unerstand, even for non-technical business managers.
2. Star Schema provides better performance and smaller query times.
3. Star Schema is easily extensible and will handle future changes easily.
A typical SQL Query Template for the Sales Schema will look like: -
----- Select the measurements that you want to aggregate unsing SUM Clause
SELECT P.Name, SUM(F.Sales)
--- JOIN the FACT table with Dimension Tables
FROM Sales F, Time T, Product P, Location L
WHERE F.TM_Dim_Id = T.Dim_Id AND F.PR_Dim_Id = P.Dim_Id AND F.LOC_Dim_Id = L.Dim_Id
--- Constrains the Dimension Attributes
AND T.Month ='Jan' AND T.Year='2003' AND L.Country_Name='USA'
--- finally the 'group by' clause Identifies the aggregation level. In this example you are aggregating all sales within a category
GROUP BY P.Category

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Cognos8: New data does not appear even when the query is rerun

This is due to internal caching which is a default setting in Cognos 8.
Caching options can be set in three places:

1. Properties of the query in Report Studio.
2. Properties of the model in Framework Manager (under edit Governors)
3. Global cache set which is set as follows:
a) Go to the \Cognos\C8\configuration directory.
b) Make a copy of the CQEConfig.xml.sample file.
c) Rename the above file to CQEConfig.xml.
d) Open the file for editing.
e) About half way through the file there is an entry name called queryReuse. Change the value to 0.
f) Restart the Cognos8 Service

Accessing Windows Scheduler using VB Code

Option Explicit
' Schedule api's
Declare Function NetScheduleJobAdd Lib "netapi32.dll" _(ByVal Servername As String, Buffer As Any, Jobid As Long) As Long

' Schedule structure
JobTime As Long
DaysOfMonth As Long
DaysOfWeek As Byte
Flags As Byte
dummy As Integer
Command As String
End Type

' Schedule constants
Const NERR_Success = 0

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim lngWin32apiResultCode As Long
Dim strComputerName As String
Dim lngJobID As Long
Dim udtAtInfo As AT_INFO

' Convert the computer name to unicode
strComputerName = StrConv(Text1.Text, vbUnicode)

' Setup the tasks parameters
SetStructValue udtAtInfo

' Schedule the task
lngWin32apiResultCode = NetScheduleJobAdd(strComputerName, udtAtInfo, lngJobID)

' Check if the task was scheduled
If lngWin32apiResultCode = NERR_Success Then
MsgBox "Task" & lngJobID & " has been scheduled."
End If
End Sub

Private Sub SetStructValue(udtAtInfo As AT_INFO)
Dim strTime As String
Dim strDate() As String
Dim vntWeek() As Variant
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim intWeekCounter As Integer

vntWeek = Array("M", "T", "W", "TH", "F", "S", "SU")

With udtAtInfo
' Change the format of the time
strTime = Format(Text2.Text, "hh:mm")

' Change the time to one used by the api
.JobTime = (Hour(strTime) * 3600 + Minute(strTime) * 60) * 1000

' Set the Date parameters
If Val(Text3.Text) > 0 Then
' Set the task to run on specific days of the month i.e. 9th & 22nd of the month
strDate = Split(Text3.Text, ",")
For intCounter = 0 To UBound(strDate)
.DaysOfMonth = .DaysOfMonth + 2 ^ (strDate(intCounter) - 1)
' Set the task to run on sepecific days of the week i.e. Monday & Thursday
strDate = Split(Text3.Text, ",")
For intCounter = 0 To UBound(strDate)
For intWeekCounter = 0 To UBound(vntWeek)
If UCase(strDate(intCounter)) = vntWeek(intWeekCounter) Then
.DaysOfWeek = .DaysOfWeek + 2 ^ intWeekCounter
Exit For
End If
End If

' Set the interactive property
If Check1.Value = vbUnchecked Then
End If

' Set to run periodically
If Option2.Value = True Then
End If

' Set the command to run
.Command = StrConv(Text4.Text, vbUnicode)
End With
End Sub

Steps to Restore Contributor application to a different database and application name

To accomplish this, first back up the Contributor application then restore the database using SQL Enterprise Manager. Restore it to a new database name, then link to new application within the Contributor Admin console.

Follow these steps to restore a Contributor Application to a new database name:
1. From the Contributor Admin Console, Expand the application you want to backup, expand Development, expand Datastore options, then select Datastore Maintenance.
2. Make a note of the location that you're backing up your files to, and then click Backup.
3. Launch SQL Enterprise Manager and browse to Databases.
4. Right-click Database and select 'All tasks', then 'Restore database'.
5. In the Restore as Database field, type the new name for the database (make certain there are no uppercase characters in the name).
6. In the Restore section click From Device, click Select Devices, click Add.
7. In the File name section browse to the location where you saved your backup database.
8. Select the .dat file that was saved in step 2, then click OK, click OK again, then click OK again.
9. Go to the Options tab and in the Move to physical filename field, type the path where you want to restore the new database to. Do the same for both the log file and the dat file.
10. Go to the General tab, select View Contents and make sure you check off the latest backup set date. (The date should correspond to the date when you performed your backup in step 2.)
11. Click OK, and click OK again. The SQL Restore is complete.
12. Launch Contributor Admin Console, right-click your Datastore server and select Link to Existing Application.
13. You should see the Application name of the new database you just restored, check that off and select Add.

Recommended to set Hyper-threading off when configuring the Contributor Web/Application

Contributor: Applies to all version

According to the documentation from Intel, the hyper-threading concept was designed to improve performance of software that uses an average of 30% CPU cycles at any given time. Hence you can effectively push two threads through the CPU for an average of 60% CPU utilization, plus some overhead, increasing the software's performance by 100%.

Contributor was designed with performance in mind, so that when you publish, initialize, and/or synchronize, the application uses 100% of the available CPU cycles.

For applications like Contributor that already maximize the CPU processes, when you attempt to push two 100% CPU utilization threads through each processor you do not receive any improvement in performance. You actually get a decrease in performance since there is some overhead to the hyper-threading processing that gets added to the 200% utilization. If we assume an additional 2% for overhead, you end up attempting to utilize 202% of the CPU cycles available. Thus, Contributor processes will run faster with hyper-threading turned off.

Hyper-threading can be setted off from BIOS Settings. You can take the help of IT Person or Network person for this task.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Bursting a Report Using SDK and Save the Output to the Local File System

When the report runs with the burst option, multiple outputs are being created in a single run. The Java code for this technique – will extract all of the outputs and store them in a local file system in HTML format.You can also change the option to extract just the latest output version of the report outputs.
For this example, we will be using the "GO Sales and Retailers" sample database to create the report with the burst key.
Follow these steps to complete the technique:
Create a new report in Report Studio. Set the Burst Options and execute at least once. Do not delete the report outputs.
Modify the value of the endpoint variable if you are not using the default gateway:
String endpoint = "http://localhost/crn/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi";
Modify the savePath variable to where the output will be saved:

String savePath = "C:\\temp\\";

Modify the reportName variable to the report that will run:

String reportName = "Banded Report";
Modify the latestVersion variable to true if you want to retrieve the latest version of the report outputs; otherwise, set it to false to retrieve all versions of the report outputs:
boolean latestVersion = true;
Modify the username, password, and namespaceID variables to the correct login information:
String userName = "nameSpaceID";
String passWord = "userName";
String nameSpaceID = "passWord";
Compile and execute the script. Information about the Cognos ReportNet Java Toolkit can be found in Chapter 1 of the ReportNet SDK Getting Started Guide, under the ReportNet Java Toolkit section.
Check from your save path to see if the report outputs are being generated.

What is SOX ?

SOX - Sarbanes-Oxley

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 protects investors by improving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures made pursuant to the securities laws. One of the most significant provisions within Sarbanes-Oxley are the criminal and civil penalties that place executive management and the board of directors in the “hot seat.” Specifically, under Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, executives need to certify and demonstrate that they have established and are maintaining an adequate internal control structure and procedures for financial reporting.

Objectives to meet Sarbanes-Oxley compliance
Sarbanes-Oxley requires a new level of corporate governance and accountability. As a result, the vital role security information and event management (SIEM) plays in establishing and maintaining internal controls have never been greater. Companies must institute log monitoring and vulnerability assessments as a critical part of their IT internal control systems. Both domestic and international publicly-traded companies must comply with Sarbanes-Oxley. If you are a covered entity you must have methods to maintain audit trails and to log possible altering of electronic records. Network Intelligence has mapped best practices and reports to help organizations comply with audits under Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404.

For more details check http://www.network-intelligence.com/solutions/compliance/regulations/sarbanesoxley.asp

Redirecting from Contributor Application Help

Sometimes it is desirable to redirect users to other web-resources, when they click on the help button for a given cube.
For example:
- Place a instruction on a sales forecast cube telling users to click help to view a report showing previous years sales.
- Link to a Capex model that may feed the expenses model so that users can review input that has been feed in using admin or system links.

This allows the administrator the ability to use a web-authoring tool, such as MS FrontPage, to create a central company-themed site for documentation and easily link to it, rather than re-creating pages each time. Also, this
provided the added benefit of reducing the model size, as none of the help text needs to be included in the model definition.


1. Go to any Contributor Application --> Development --> Configuration --> Contributor Help Text
2. For each cube for which you wish to provide a help link that redirects to another page, enter the following tag in the Detailed Cube Help:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=http://webserver/site/page.htm">

This meta tag is instructing the browser to refresh the page. The “content=” tag tells the browser how long to wait (in seconds) before refreshing the page. To redirect immediately, without the user noticing anything, leave this
value at 0.
The “URL=tag” tells the browser where you want to redirect to. If you have a specific page in mind (like a report, for example) you can cut and paste the URL into this location

For more details on various HTML Tags check the following website: -

Publish Failure Error in Cognos Planning 7.3 and 8.1

Error Message: -
Publish fails with bulk load error and no .out file is present. Installing Oracle Client and executing sqlldr.exe is successful.
Unable to Bulk Load the data.
BulkLoad Execution returned 1.Output file (C:\DOCUME~1\cognos\Local Settings\Temp\CBE61F5133084ED8AEFA2C22B10E00A9et_forecast__machiE282F3CBD61140398D4F0873872C1B1C{6B5305F0-D569-4B3D-8E0B-DB818AF5F6A9}.out)

If you are using Windows 2003, there may be an issue with using the Disable8dot3 setting.

Look at the error message as displayed above or open the .cmd file in a text editor. If the path contains a space such as "c:\docume~1\cognos\local settings\temp" SQL*Loader will fail with a syntax error, even though the path is enclosed in quotes.

Set your temp directory to a path that contains no spaces such as c:\temp. Modify the temp settings for the user account assigned to the COM+ component to point to a path with no spaces in Environment Variables, then set this path in Configuration Manager under Cognos Planning>Shared. Apply your configuration, then stop and start services

For more details check Cognos support site http://support.cognos.com/kb-app/knowledgebase?document_search_show_document=1&document_id=1012528&version_id=1

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Dynamic Path in Cognos Planning Analyst

As a normal practice we are used to specify absolute path for a File Maps in Cognos Planning Analyst. Disadvantage of specifying Absolute path for File Map is as follows:-
- After moving from Development Server to Production Server we will have to remap all the Flat Files to individual File Maps.
As a Best practice we can specify Dynamic Path to File Maps. For this all the required files has to be kept under a folder in the Specific Library under which the file maps will be stored.
For E.g.
If you have a filemap for the flat file PersonnelCost.csv in library Common, create a folder Datafiles in Common and copy the PersonnelCost.csv in the Datafiles folder.And give the path of the File map as follows

{LIB}\DataFiles\Personnel Cost.csv

Here Analyst automatically detects the path of the Library on the Server and hence the path of the flat file.But care should be taken that the flat file has to be in the same library folder for it to detect the path automatically.The same rule applies if one has given flat file to update D-List.