Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Redirecting from Contributor Application Help

Sometimes it is desirable to redirect users to other web-resources, when they click on the help button for a given cube.
For example:
- Place a instruction on a sales forecast cube telling users to click help to view a report showing previous years sales.
- Link to a Capex model that may feed the expenses model so that users can review input that has been feed in using admin or system links.

This allows the administrator the ability to use a web-authoring tool, such as MS FrontPage, to create a central company-themed site for documentation and easily link to it, rather than re-creating pages each time. Also, this
provided the added benefit of reducing the model size, as none of the help text needs to be included in the model definition.


1. Go to any Contributor Application --> Development --> Configuration --> Contributor Help Text
2. For each cube for which you wish to provide a help link that redirects to another page, enter the following tag in the Detailed Cube Help:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=http://webserver/site/page.htm">

This meta tag is instructing the browser to refresh the page. The “content=” tag tells the browser how long to wait (in seconds) before refreshing the page. To redirect immediately, without the user noticing anything, leave this
value at 0.
The “URL=tag” tells the browser where you want to redirect to. If you have a specific page in mind (like a report, for example) you can cut and paste the URL into this location

For more details on various HTML Tags check the following website: -

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