Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Publish Failure Error in Cognos Planning 7.3 and 8.1

Error Message: -
Publish fails with bulk load error and no .out file is present. Installing Oracle Client and executing sqlldr.exe is successful.
Unable to Bulk Load the data.
BulkLoad Execution returned 1.Output file (C:\DOCUME~1\cognos\Local Settings\Temp\CBE61F5133084ED8AEFA2C22B10E00A9et_forecast__machiE282F3CBD61140398D4F0873872C1B1C{6B5305F0-D569-4B3D-8E0B-DB818AF5F6A9}.out)

If you are using Windows 2003, there may be an issue with using the Disable8dot3 setting.

Look at the error message as displayed above or open the .cmd file in a text editor. If the path contains a space such as "c:\docume~1\cognos\local settings\temp" SQL*Loader will fail with a syntax error, even though the path is enclosed in quotes.

Set your temp directory to a path that contains no spaces such as c:\temp. Modify the temp settings for the user account assigned to the COM+ component to point to a path with no spaces in Environment Variables, then set this path in Configuration Manager under Cognos Planning>Shared. Apply your configuration, then stop and start services

For more details check Cognos support site

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